Post by Bravo on Jul 6, 2015 12:26:13 GMT
Hi, how do you place additional objects on the map for scene saving if all map generation only happens in Play mode? Am I missing something here? I have to generate a map and then place buildings / towns etc. Great asset btw
Post by khash on Jul 6, 2015 13:28:06 GMT
Map generation occurs during play, yes, and then you can save current map setting to file and later restore it. You can modify the map as well if you like but this does not have many tools supported (so its easy from code but not so much in editor). If you want to add objects on map you should store them together with other stuff in save stream. If you want to have more advanced editor for honey you may consider Bob's tool: www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/29724 But first I recommend looking into save/load mechanic in Honey to see how close this is to what you need.
Post by Bravo on Jul 6, 2015 13:54:05 GMT
I saw Bob's tool and from the video tutorial it seems it also only works in Play mode. What I would like is to have normal Unity workflow: edit scene in Edit mode, place models / prefabs etc and being able to visually see where I place them (well, I a programmer actually but I want for designer to be able to place things), is that not supported? Because atm to place anything one would have to - hit Play, - load map (and wait) - add gameobjects - copy component - leave play mode - add game objects again, - paste component values (and assume all is ok)
hm now that I actually tried to do that when I added a cube to a scene with generated map i see that cube only when i Scene tab but can't see it via WorldCamera in Play tab so not sure how to add objects at all.
Another question: how to get a loading / generation progress to be able to show a progress bar?
Post by Bravo on Jul 6, 2015 14:03:48 GMT
I figured out the answer to last question: had to change GameObject's layer from "Default" to "Ground" which is interesting as "CapChracter" clones don't have layers assigned at all and yet are visible
Post by khash on Jul 6, 2015 18:58:33 GMT
There should be Actor layer which they are assigned to. Maybe something broke on import? As for the models: you may extend save system to save your model matrix and type and then on load recreate this. But yes to see world you need to generate it which is done after play at the moment. Although there isn't anything against making it work as well in editor mode, but that would take day or few to adjust all required features to work. As for loading/generation progress: I had same dilemma for out Thea The Awakening and I simply used event system to tell me how many chunks of all planed have been done. You may add as well to the count world preparation and then foreground post-creation etc. Its fairly straight forward. Hope this helps
Post by Bravo on Jul 7, 2015 12:52:54 GMT
There should be Actor layer which they are assigned to. Maybe something broke on import? As for the models: you may extend save system to save your model matrix and type and then on load recreate this. But yes to see world you need to generate it which is done after play at the moment. Although there isn't anything against making it work as well in editor mode, but that would take day or few to adjust all required features to work. As for loading/generation progress: I had same dilemma for out Thea The Awakening and I simply used event system to tell me how many chunks of all planed have been done. You may add as well to the count world preparation and then foreground post-creation etc. Its fairly straight forward. Hope this helps And this is the workflow you use for your game that uses HHF? I would really like my level to be saved as a Unity scene that can be normally edited and not in HHF's save format which is incompatible with our own... Yup, I know I can modify World class to call an event callback but then every time new version of HHF is released there will be merging / maintenance issues. Another q: will HHF support saving of generated mesh,chunk so that it doesn't have to be generated on load (to speed load up)? I suppose you could answer that I could implement it myself but curious
Post by khash on Jul 7, 2015 13:04:17 GMT
I'm working (slowly) on Honey 2 which when finished would replace Honey. One of the targets is to speed up world generation or even skip it entirely (real time shader composition) but it again would be generation during play mode not editor one. Note that we do not generate world mesh for dx11, only textures and then use tessellation on gpu. As for the workflow almost any of our customers have different way of approaching it and what is super useful for one is kind of useless for other or even something what stays on the way. So we are trying to set course over some common grounds but sadly its all entangled by our own project. So yes world is done in Thea The Awakening using honey in a way it is available to all of you. We do not even have someone who do level design or something, just models and world is procedurally created, unique for each player. If you want to models look natural on the shaped terrain then simply check height below them and attach their parts to the ground you may as well easily make themed envronments as all hexes know their tags, so simply tag them to help actors spawning on them to follow rules:)
Post by Bravo on Jul 7, 2015 13:20:24 GMT
I'm working (slowly) on Honey 2 which when finished would replace Honey. One of the targets is to speed up world generation or even skip it entirely (real time shader composition) but it again would be generation during play mode not editor one. Note that we do not generate world mesh for dx11, only textures and then use tessellation on gpu. As for the workflow almost any of our customers have different way of approaching it and what is super useful for one is kind of useless for other or even something what stays on the way. So we are trying to set course over some common grounds but sadly its all entangled by our own project. So yes world is done in Thea The Awakening using honey in a way it is available to all of you. We do not even have someone who do level design or something, just models and world is procedurally created, unique for each player. If you want to models look natural on the shaped terrain then simply check height below them and attach their parts to the ground you may as well easily make themed envronments as all hexes know their tags, so simply tag them to help actors spawning on them to follow rules:) I find it bit hard to believe that almost any of customers wants to work differently than what the normal Unity workflow is (which is to visually build scene in edit mode). I guess it works good enough for fully procedural level creation tho. Will probably mention this in the review. Could you not add option to bake meshes / chunks with LODs for H2 instead of just GPU tessellation? Thanks for your assistance. P.S. It is the first time I see video commercial in a captcha (that forces to wait for video to finish) and my got it is frustrating.
Post by khash on Jul 7, 2015 13:25:19 GMT
As for the forum we may think to move to other service (adverts is not something we add)
There is mesh produced for DX9 mode, so you can use this one if you need.
Post by Bravo on Jul 7, 2015 13:31:49 GMT
Understood and thanks again. Now just have to figure out best course of action to integrate with Grids framework.
Post by kramar on Jul 7, 2015 22:34:32 GMT
I'm working (slowly) on Honey 2 which when finished would replace Honey. One of the targets is to speed up world generation or even skip it entirely (real time shader composition) but it again would be generation during play mode not editor one. Note that we do not generate world mesh for dx11, only textures and then use tessellation on gpu. As for the workflow almost any of our customers have different way of approaching it and what is super useful for one is kind of useless for other or even something what stays on the way. So we are trying to set course over some common grounds but sadly its all entangled by our own project. So yes world is done in Thea The Awakening using honey in a way it is available to all of you. We do not even have someone who do level design or something, just models and world is procedurally created, unique for each player. If you want to models look natural on the shaped terrain then simply check height below them and attach their parts to the ground you may as well easily make themed envronments as all hexes know their tags, so simply tag them to help actors spawning on them to follow rules:) I find it bit hard to believe that almost any of customers wants to work differently than what the normal Unity workflow is (which is to visually build scene in edit mode). I guess it works good enough for fully procedural level creation tho. Will probably mention this in the review. Could you not add option to bake meshes / chunks with LODs for H2 instead of just GPU tessellation? Thanks for your assistance. P.S. It is the first time I see video commercial in a captcha (that forces to wait for video to finish) and my got it is frustrating. I agree the workflow is not ideal, but Unity is also not the best tool for level or terrain generation anyway. There are many 3rd party tools that are used outside unity for terrain generation that export some sort of file that is then used/converted in Unity. I recently switched from the Gameogic Grids package to Honey. It took me about 3 days to make the switch, but that included extending Bob's editor for my needs as well. This put me ahead time wise because I did not have a good editing workflow with the Gameogic package either. My workflow is as follows: I have a scene that I use exclusively for editing. I can load/save the maps binary files in this editing scene, as well as doing the actual edits. This is an advantage in some ways as I can't mess up any of my gameplay scenes while editing the map. The fact that editing is run time only doesn't really bother me anymore. Then it is very easy to load the binaries using the honey framework during awake/start of my gameplay scenes. The only complaint is the pseudo support of mobile and dx9 shaders. There are some problems with the shaders on the current version of Unity, but hopefully Khash will get around to fixing these soon. Juts my 2 cent. Hope it gives you a better idea of how the workflow would go...
Post by khash on Jul 8, 2015 11:11:58 GMT
Hi! Thanks. I hope Honey 2 would help a lot. We would most likely not need dx11 for any of th features and improvements on opengl in unity should be a great improvement overall